I realized recently that I refer to different friends of Elizabeth, but that some may not know who those people are. So, I thought it would be extremely helpful to have a brief reference guide right here on the blog to refer to when in need.
To begin with, E has two distinct group of friends: peers and young adults. Her two best peer friends you may remember are Maxwell and AnnaJoy. The young adult friends are mostly those with whom we labor in the college ministry. Below is a quick reference and tidbit about each. :)
Miss Amber is a beloved friend and sometimes babysitter. Because of her confidence with and love for E, she is really more like an aunt to her. She is married to Mr. Daniel and has a great Beagle named "Wrigley."

Ethan. What can one say about this young man? Last year, E had a bit of a crush on Ethan, but this year it has developed into a friendship. She loves to play with him, have him chase her, and be silly with him. E is quick to pick up any passing reference to Ethan and is probably his biggest fan, save his own parents. Ethan is a godly young man and one of our beloved interns.

Mr. Jamey (on the left) is like a rock star to Elizabeth. Since he leads worship at church on Sundays and plays the guitar, she is very intrigued with him. He also is very sweet to play with her and sometimes let her hang all over him like a monkey. Mr. Jamey is married to Miss Heather, and E loves them both.
Mr. Trey (on the right) is one of E's newest friends. In the first few years of her life, E would cry at the introduction of any new male figure in her life. (Her dad was happy about this, hoping it would continue for awhile and delay dating for many years.) However, Mr. Trey is special because she immediately took a shine to him when she met him just this past August. She quickly adopted him as a friend and loves to see him whenever he is there. Mr. Trey is married to Miss Marci (see below).

Ahhh, Miss Julie, a long-time friend. E has known Miss Julie and her husband, Mr. Blake, her whole life, and they were some of the first non-family to take care of her. E enjoys talking with Miss Julie and telling her all of the latest happenings in her life. Miss Julie is a GREAT listener!!

Miss Marci, as mentioned above, is Mr. Trey's wife and an immediate hit with Elizabeth. Because of Miss Marci's sparkling personality and joyful greetings, Elizabeth has come to love her and want to see her as much as possible. I predict a great friendship for these two. :)

"No, no, Mr. Marty," is one of E's frequent refrains when around one of her dearest friends, Mr. Marty, not because he's necessarily done anything wrong but just because she likes to be silly with him. E absolutely LOVES playing with Mr. Marty and will even run to him and give him a big hug. He makes her giggle and smile every time they play, and their friendship is so sweet. He is dating one of our favorite people, Miss Andrea. But alas, I have no picture of her.
There are a few more friends whose pictures I don't have right now. As soon as I have more, I will add on to this post. But I hope this gives you a better idea of who these folks are. We love each one and are truly thankful for the godly, mature, and loving influence they have on our daughter. We are so fortunate to know them and have them in our lives and hers.