It's been a while since I've had a three-month-old baby living in my house, so needless to say, I had forgotten what it's like. Sure there are CrAzY times with lots of crying (mostly me), feeling overwhelmed and inadequate, and loads of laundry. But there are definitely sweet times that fill my heart with joy. And since I don't want to forget THOSE times, I thought I'd write them down here. I am writing these mostly for me, but I knew you'd enjoy reading them as well.
Things I love about Abigail:
-- the way she smiles with her whole body. From her head to her toes, she lets you know you are one of her favorite people. More specifically, she stretches out her legs and curls her toes when she sees me, and she squinches up her nose and smiles when she sees Matt.
-- the sound of cooing. Just the other night we finally got it on videotape. As soon as I figure out how to upload it, I'll put it on the ol' blog. She is also experimenting with her voice and entertaining herself (and us) with all of the new sounds she can make.
-- the smell of her hair after bathtime. We use this lavendar shampoo, and she just smells yummy! Cuddling is no hardship, my friend!
-- the fact that she already needs a haircut, specifically her bangs. Now I recognize that this is not typical for most three-month-olds. However, our girls come endowed with oodles of hair.
-- the fact that she has found her hands and tends to stare at them for long stretches. She is also figuring out how to get her little thumb in her mouth, and when she does, the sound she makes as she is sucking on it is pure cuteness. Even as I write this, I realize that this might be hard to imagine as "cute" for my male readers, especially the single ones. ;)
-- the way she has discovered that someone is holding her. Normally, she looks out when I am holding her on my shoulder. However, just last week, she looked in and to her delight (and mine) was pleasantly surprised to find my face looking back at her. She looked at me for a long time then began smiling. Ah, I love it!
-- the way she loves Elizabeth and delights in her. In fact, the first laugh Abigail uttered was due to Elizabeth's shenanigans around the house.
These are the ones that come immediately to mind at this time. As I think of more or observe more, I'll be sure to update. Sorry there aren't any pics for this post. But I promise more soon.