Friends of Little Morties, I am pleased to tell you that after a week and a half without internet, we are now BACK up online!!! Hooray!! Yea!! OmigoshIcan'tbelieveit!! We just want to thank a great tech in California named George who really pushed our problem through and got it back up and running. Without him, we would likely still be talking to various people in the Philippines who were working the night shift. God bless 'em!
So, without further ado, let me show you some sweet pics of little E from the first day of her dance class. (Hey, no ribbing about about the fact that these pics are four weeks old. Did you not read the first paragraph? ;)). Enjoy!

The lady in the blue top is E's teacher, Mrs. Suzanne. She owns the dance studio and also goes to Grace. She is absolutely gifted as a dancer and instructor. E likes her a lot!

At the end of each class, they get a sucker and a stamp if they listened well and participated. E loves both of these treats! (Bonus points to you if you noticed the change in shoes from the previous pictures to this one. In her class, they do ballet for the first 30 minutes, then tap for the last 15 min. )

Funny story about these suckers: each week Elizabeth has gotten a sucker and each week she has only finished half of it. If you know her, you know this is unusual, and really, what kid only eats half of a sugary treat? Anyway, the first week she did this, she announced what she wanted to do with the other half: save it for Daddy! Did you just say, "Awwwww!" I totally did, too. Nobody prompted her to do this; she just came up with the idea on her own. So often she floors me.
So now each week, she hands it to me, half-licked, and I put it in a safe place in the kitchen for when Daddy comes home.

Just for fun!

P.S. Daddy came to dance class last week to watch Elizabeth. I could tell she was beside herself with happiness!