Did you know that Abigail will be one-year-old in about 5 weeks? Just FYI! Not angling for a gift, just marveling at the rapid speed of time.
On a different note, this morning, Abigail, Elizabeth, and I had one of those moments that is etched into your heart for a long while. We were all in E's room. A was on the floor with a toy. E was scampering about the room. (This verb accurately describes her movements.) And I was folding a flat sheet for E's bed. All of sudden, an urge came on me to play "parachute" with this flat sheet. Do you remember that game from elementary school? You know, where you hold the parachute down on the ground, then you and all your short little buddies lift it up as high as your arms will go. You enjoy the rush of wind on your face as the parachute comes back down to the ground, or you quickly scamper (that word again) underneath and hold it down under your bottom. Loved this as a kid.
Well, it seemed like the perfect moment to do this with the girls, so we did. Ah, we laughed and laughed and hugged and laughed. And then, a mommy discovery: Abigail twists her tongue around in her mouth whenever she is truly tickled by something. I mean, I had seen her twist her tongue, but today I made the connection. She was (we all were) having a purely delightful time. I feel so happy even now as I tell you about it. In fact, I thought about getting my camera to take a picture, but I just couldn't leave the moment. So, I'm afraid you'll have to imagine what we must have looked like. :)
P.S. Abigail now has 6 teeth. She cut two more on top the week of Thanksgiving.