Friday, March 12, 2010

Two Months Old

Little Man is now two months old, and this week had his official doctor's appointment. They weighed him, measured his head, and made him cry. Sad. He had his first round of shots, and I cannot tell you how hard it is for me to look into his little face while they begin to administer the sharp pokey things. Of course, they ask you to hold down his hands, so you're right there next to his face. And he's looking at you, with lots of trust and smiles. Then they give the first shot, and his face makes that shift from perfect contentment to squinty eyes and redness. Eek! Now don't get me wrong, the nurse was great and went as fast as she could, but still it was aWfUl!!

Anywho, would you like to guess how much he weighed? If so, I'll put the answer at the bottom of this post. That'll give you a chance to think about it and come up with your answer. Be sure to think of an answer that includes lbs and ounces because if you're up to date on the way we grow our babies, you'll remember that they come out big and keep growing that way. Not fat mind you, just healthy. :)

In the meantime, feast your eyes on this little cowboy. Presh, no? My mom got this cutie outfit from Gymboree, whose clothes I love by the way because of little details like the ones featured here. Notice that at the bottom of his outfit, instead of featuring plain ol' footies, they made them into little "boots." Too cute. It looks like he's wearing shoes without the fuss of actual shoes or even socks that look like shoes. Awesome in my opinion!!!

Okay, here's the answer to his weight: 14 lbs, 6 oz! Did anyone hit it right on the nose?


desertaggies said...

Wow! Eliana weighed less than that at her 3 mo visit (& she's not a tiny skinny baby either!) That must be good milk ;)

Jon and Brittany said...

Oh my goodness!! His outfit is SO cute. And so is he. And so is the rest of the fam. Me and my fam were talking about you and your fam today...all lovely things and about how wonderful and cute ALL your kids are :) I just love you so! Have a wonderful family day, friend!

Debi Morton said...

I love the outfit and most of all, the precious smile! Can't wait to see it for myself next week. How does his 2-month weight compare to the girls? You almost brought tears to my eyes thinking about his little face crumpling when he got his shot. Bless his little heart--and yours.

Miss Mommy said...

I tried to comment on the 12th and it didn't go thru. Anyway, what a honey! Those Mortie babies sure are cute!! Love the Gymboree outfit to boot (pun intended).

Love you, bestie-


Courtney said...

So precious. Gymboree is my favorite too. By the way, my almost 6 month old is 14 pounds 5 oz!! I wish i could hold him just to compare. He is sooo cute and huggable. I remember a long time ago, we talked about how chubby legs were our favorite part about babies. i bet he has chubby legs. :)

cphillips1007 said...

haha... shannon, I was just reading a few posts from your blog and came across this one and saw how much he weighed at 2 months. Eden weighed 14 lbs at 7 mos... haha! So funny! Such an awesome little man you have there!