Thursday, February 28, 2008


Yesterday was a very difficult day for me and Abigail. On Monday, the precious one and I went to see the doctor because we suspected that she might have some issues with acid reflux. The doctor (whom we give great thanks for all the time) confirmed that she probably has a mild case and so prescribed a med that will help her during feedings. We started her on it on Monday night, hoping by Wednesday or today she would be doing much better.

Eek! She had an awful day yesterday. She was up off and on from 10:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., crying, inconsolable, and not eating well. She did nap some, but not enough to really feel rested. Picture lying in your bed trying to go to sleep and just after you've been asleep for 20 minutes or so being woken up by noises, hurting tummy, general discomfort and sadness, etc. So I cried yesterday...multiple times...and felt very tired by the end of the day. Fortunately, Elizabeth was VERY gracious to me during the day and even at dinner (when I cried again), she suggested that we pray that God would make me feel better. I asked her if she would pray for me (not desiring to train her but sincerely asking her because I had no words left for the day). She did. She thanked God for me and asked Him to make me feel better. Short. Sweet. But incredibly soothing to me. Also, Matt was very gracious to me, holding Abigail to try to soothe her and offering helpful suggestions of things we could do to make it better. He is amazing. At 5:30 p.m. the LORD was gracious to me and soothed Abigail to sleep. She slept on her tummy in her crib, like a baby as they say, until about 9 p.m. I fed her then went to sleep myself. It was a good night in spite of the day.

So now we have begun today with prayers of dependence, patience, and grace. I have no idea how today will go, so I am trusting God to be here with us.


Julia said...

Oh, what a rough, rough day... These first weeks are such an intense time, and it must so difficult to see Abigail feeling sick on top of it all. Hang in there! It is so good to know God can bring you little moments of encouragement in the midst of a really trying day.

Heidi said...

Shannie, I'm so sorry that not only you are exhausted but that sweet little Abigail is in so much discomfort. I love you and I'm praying for both of you.

Arica said...

I am so sorry that you little Abigail is having a rough time. We went through the exact same things with Hudson. There were some very long days and nights. Thankfully once he got on the medicine, he was back to and has stayed the most joyful baby I have been around. I am sure you get tons of advice, but one thing that really helped was letting him sleep on the Boppy. I know it says not to, but he couldn't move and it made a world of difference. Hope things continue to be better. What a testimony to what a great mom you are that E thought to pray for the situation.